Webinar 28.06.2017, 09:00 Uhr

On Premise Cloud Computing with Azure Stack

Cloud is todays big buzzword. As a developer, you might know, there is different types of cloud like public cloud and private cloud.
While everybody might be familiar with public clouds like Azure and AWS, not a lot are familiar with on-premise clouds. When it comes to on-premise cloud, OpenStack is the most popular in the open source community. Microsoft released a preview of their on-premise cloud offering, AzureStack. It brings the Azure into your own on-premise datacenterby offering the same services as the public cloud version which might be interesting for hybrid solutions and also allows to easily switch between public and on-premise. With the EU data privacy regulations, many are afraid, they might have to pass on public clouds and therefor pass on the benefits of a cloud solution over an on-premise solution. This talk will make an introduction to AzureStack, point out the Pros and Cons and gives a view of what is coming up and how this could be the next (big) thing soon.

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