11.01.2024, 08:00 Uhr
Accelerate Innovation with DevOps [Video]
Switching to DevOps is not about tools. It is far more about people. In this talk Mike Kaufmann is illustrating what aspects lead to a successful transition to DevOps.

(Quelle: Mike Kaufmann)
Research has proven, that highly effective companies, which successfully have transformed to a DevOps culture, are faster, more effective, and they score higher on customer satisfaction and innovation. But many companies still struggle to break up their silos and adopt these practices.
This talk will explain why many transformations fail and it will give you practical guidance on how to get your transformation back on track. Enriched with many real-world examples from customers, this talk will give you a battle-proven guide to a successful transformation: in small steps, but with a clear vision and direction. Starting with the WHY and a sense of urgency and celebrating the wins as you transform step by step.
DevOps is only 10 percent about tool and processes – but 90 percent about people. A successful transformation must therefore be 90 percent about the people and the culture to make it a success.
Auch kommendes Jahr haben Sie wieder die Möglichkeit, sich auf dieser großen Entwicklerkonferenz zu den Themen .NET, Desktop-, Web-, Mobile- und Java-Entwicklung fortzubilden - vom 1. Juli bis 5. Juli 2024 in Nürnberg. Gleich Termin vormerken oder schon Ticket zum besonders günstigen Preis holen.